Thursday, May 20, 2010

Boys and men reread this message you didn't get it!?

I have decided to help out the opposite sex be letting them have some insite into what women want.

1. Watch these movies all the way through and take notes on how the do things.

a.Cinderella Story

b.Ever After

c.Prince and me 1%26amp;2

d.Cutting Edge 1%26amp;2

e.The Notebook (very important movie)

There are more but to get you started try these next listen to these songs all the way through pay attention to the lyrics.

a.Have you ever really loved a woman (you see all these things you have found the right person.)

b.Put your arms around me (Texas-end of everafter during credits.)

C.Hear you me (Jimmy Eat World-end of cinderella story)

d.I'll Be (During dance in gazebo in cinderella story)

e.running (No Doubt)

f.Send me an angel (Erasure)

g. Truely, Madly, Deeply (Savage Garden)

h.I knew you before I met you(Savage Garden)

There are plenty more but listen to these first.

Wanted to help you guys understand what we girls want so good luck gentlemen.

Additional Details

26 seconds ago

You may have already answered this question and didn't get what I was trying to do. First I am 27 and a counselor so I DO know what I'm talking about. Second it isn't the fairytale you look at it is the inititive to do what it takes to get the girl. Younger guys need a little guidance in the right direction. Older guys you may be a great guy but would it hurt to get some fresh ideas. Come on people this is meant to help don't read more into it tha there is. Women you should be strong and self assured but would it kill you if you man did something totally romantic and out of the ordinary.I would think that you all would want someone that cared enough to go through all the trouble of watching a movie or listening to a song if it made you happy.So please don't take this in a bad way think of it as a learning experience.

Boys and men reread this message you didn't get it!?
wow thats hits the nail on the head so i am not strange being a hopeless romantic thanks
Reply:no you're right, it doesn't hurt to be a little more sensative and attentive, but, in todays times with the infomation highway and scams id theft and just the games people play, why try the fantasty role ??? just be up front state your needs and wants and see if the person will atleast try to meet you halfway!!
Reply:i will be scared to come to you for counsel knowing that you base your experience on movies and movies. Maybe before you tell guys what to do, you should understand guys first. When have you done something romantic for your man. U think just trying to cook or satisfy him in bed is the only thing? If you can understand a man, then you try to meet half way. I hate all the movies you mentioned.

Here's a free advice: There is a reason why you have not been laid this year. Try getting laid, then come back and talk with us.

Counselor My ASSperagus
Reply:i will continue to live my own life, thank you.
Reply:Apparently being 27 and a councilor does not mean you know anything about relationships.
Reply:oh i got it but i don't think you understood my responce lol
Reply:Well the songs i don't like at all and the movies are horrible. I don't think a guy doing something out of the ordinary and then going back to the way tey may usually be would be a good thing as the woman would want more of the 'romance'... just my opinion.
Reply:If ur 27 and a councellor then i think you need to go to a shrink..

There are LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of things,its like almost all things, which a hero does for the heroine that is totally impossible in this time and age.

Movies are just for entertainment and they should be enjoyed while it lasts and after its over its over..period..

WHy do u want to put the reel world over real world and try to really confuse the starry eyed teen agers???

Lady u need a councellor and a shrink ASAP
Reply:Stop giving out all the secrets that took me years to learn!
Reply:thanks well's my experience is that we guys can't understand women Mind.Ever
Reply:OK miss 27 Counselor. Unfortunately most of these types of movies and songs create the impression that life should be a fairytale of romance and passion. The reality of life shows that people do argue and that lasting love is hard work. Sometimes women (being the more emotional beings) get so caught up in this "Hollywood" portrayal of love that whenever it's not like the movies and songs, then it's not "real" love. I do agree that great gestures and romance can be good in any relationship and that taking the odd risk on a woman might be wise, but more often than not, women expect unreasonable things of men. Women and men are different and they should rather accept things in the spirit that it is done. Living on the edge for one person is jumping off a bridge, but for his friend it can be something as small as saying hello to someone he likes.
Reply:how about women stop having pie in the sky dreams about what men should be doing, oversentimentalism is just not what guys are about, an the only way to make most of us like that involves surgery

seriously, the best women i have ever met thought much like men, practically, seriously, intelligently, emotions are fine but only if you keep them in reasonable control

repeat after me, 'emotions are not my master'

and people wonder why foreign brides are popular, they dont have such crazy dreams, a nice guy and a decent life, i really think i will marry one someday, if nothing else the search is an excuse to travel (no mail order stuff here)

here is a question, are american women insane? or do they just watch to many romantic movies?

well, i am off to go slay dragons and shoot lots of evil guys, it happens in the movies after all, why cant it happen to me


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