Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How well or poor do I sing?

Hey everyone, I have recently uploaded a video of myself singing Darren Hayes' (Savage Garden) So Beautiful on Youtube. If you guys can, head over here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewMR6Lz58... and comment on it. Thanks :)

How well or poor do I sing?
Don't listen to the last person. Chest voice? Please, it is all in the mask. The mask in in your face. Practice singing with your hand above your lip, sing over that. However, I think he meant chest as in sing in an open voice.

That said, pretty good job. I've been working at choir camp this past week so I've been doing a lot of this working with singing.

Okay! Falsetto was awful. I am sorry but it was. Yawn. See how open your throat is? Sing like that. If you want any more tips or advice, do not hesitate to ask. Message me.

Best wishes and good luck!
Reply:I think it's pretty good :-) plus you look really nice

but i'd say work on the tune a little and how you look at the camera n' stuff
Reply:You have potential, but you have a bad tendancy to either be singing in the back of your throat... or then you over correct and start singing up in your nose. Get out of your head and into your chest and you will do waaaaay better. Falsetto was not good, all over the place. But I can hear if you would open up you would do way better.
Reply:too much air, but keep practicing!
Reply:u did good......so vote me 4 best answer
Reply:wow....you rock......!!!

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