Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What version of Truly, Madly, Deeply do you like better?

Cascada's or Savage Garden? I personally like Cascada's just because she puts a little more fun into the song. :D

What version of Truly, Madly, Deeply do you like better?
It's true that Cascada put it more fun to the song but the original song wasn't really meant to be fun so I think Savage Garden is better.
Reply:Ofcourse! Savage Garden.......
Reply:savage garden, there is nothing like the sound of savage garden, they are a great group...
Reply:Savage garden. I think the Cascada version is wretched as does Darren Hayes (the songwriter) of Savage Garden.
Reply:Savage Garden Ofcourse! They sang it how they wanted it to be sung.
Reply:Savage Garden. This is a song from the heart, not meant to be fun.

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