Tuesday, May 18, 2010

What's a song that you're ashamed to like?

For me, I'm embarrassed to say that I like Truly Madly Deeply by Savage Garden. None of my friends know, though, just you guys

What's a song that you're ashamed to like?
Almost anything by Elton John, I love his music but I would never admit to it.
Reply:"There ain't no bugs on me, there ain't no bugs on me. There may be bugs on some of you mugs, but there ain't no bugs on me."

Come on...you know that puppy-filled commercial just makes you smile...and I bet you sing along, too...eh?
Reply:This is the song that doesnt end and it goes on and on my friend, Some people started singing it not knowing what it was and they'll continue singing it forever just because..This is the song that doesnt end and-repeat above!

Reply:why? I love that song!

Um, I'm ashamed that I love the new Miley Cyrus song..that's something I am truly madly deeply embarrassed about liking.
Reply:i'm ashamed to like the spirit stallion of the cimmeron cd cuz, like, its country and no 1 else seems to like it xcept 1 person...
Reply:Moonlight Serenade by Glenn Miller and anything Barry Manillow.

It's music geared for old people or unfortunate 40 year olds who need fiber in their diet.
Reply:When You Look Me In the Eyes by the Jonas Brothers.

I tried so hard not to like that song, but I just can't help it.

It's too cute!
Reply:Milkshake: by Kelis

If anyone knew I like that song, I would be the laughingstock of my school:)
Reply:Barbie Girl - Awesome song but totally gay
Reply:any song by milli vanilli and ice ice baby LOL
Reply:Well .... i like Because you live by Jesse McCartney .... Usually i like people wayy better than Jesse like All American Rejects xD
Reply:spongebob squarepants theme song!

%26amp; some of britney's OLD songs. :) remember those "oops i did it again" days?
Reply:Love song and Anything but ordinary. It's horrible, but no one knows.
Reply:Think Pink (old old OLD Barbie song)

Barbie Girl.
Reply:Im a classic rock/indie rock fan so me liking Paralyzed by Finger Eleven is definitely on my hall of shame
Reply:Oldie: Afternoon Delight!!
Reply:"Dancing Queen" by Abba
Reply:Radar Love by Golden Earring...
Reply:Without Love from the musical Hairspray
Reply:i saw the sign - ace of base

actually, all ace of base songs.
Reply:stuff from Maroon 5...

everone who knows me thinks I hate them haha

but I just said that cause they hate them so... :P
Reply:Piece of me- Brittany Spears........ im so ashamed
Reply:la macarena

and barbie girl
Reply:Pocket Full of Sunshine
Reply:Barbie girl
Reply:lips of an angel by hinder...i hate what it represents
Reply:King of Spain ~ Moxy Fruvous
Reply:Baby Got Back =D
Reply:Do They Know It's Christmas
Reply:my neck my back by khia
Reply:"I'm too Sexy"

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